Reiki Love Energy Support Session

A deeply nurturing experience supporting and strengthening the nervous system.  Universal Life Force Energy, Reiki, connects us to our unity consciousness, where there is no lack, only abundance, support, peace, patience, non-competitiveness, and love.  As we are made up of energy, and energy knows no distance, distant Reiki is a beautiful way to receive in the comfort of your own home or chosen space.  Using a form of traditional Reiki method, in combination with my own energetic gifts and essence of Reiki, I move through each of the Chakra’s identifying what is asking for wholistic support, or added ingredients for activation/remembrance.  I perceive activations as more a a battery jump start, reminding your software system ( your physical and energetic body) of it’s capabilities and homeostasis.  

Just like enjoying a massage, Reiki can be wonderful to experience anytime.  Supportive to your past, present and future self. Wherever or however you find yourself on your personal journey.

Each session and person can experience Reiki differently. You may experience physical sensations and/or you may just experience a deep state of relaxation. Whatever you experience is in alignment to your energetic and physical body preferences.

Towards the end of each session I record a 25-30 min voice note, sharing where your body was asking for and receiving support, and any messages that come through from your body, highest self, and/or cosmic team. I end the voice note by sealing our session with Reiki and Reiki symbols for continual unfolding and blessing. The intention of the recording is for reflection, receiving deeper guidance/clarity, and to receive Reiki energy each time you listen. A beautiful way to observe your own evolution through time.

You will receive written notes and one journal prompt via email, of what came forward as well, for you to print off and keep as a visual reminder or for further journal reflection.


Everyone Experiences Reiki differently! Sharing a few different experiences, if you are new to Reiki, of how our distant sessions together have looked, from those I've worked with.

"I can not thank you enough or put into words what this meant to me and what a gift you have. I want everyone to experience this! Truly, this is the most loving, safe, held, peaceful, profound energy work I have ever received. I feel so grounded, so at peace and was brought to tears from the experience. I wish I could fully convey what a gift you are!! I am filled with so much gratitude for everything you shared and the messages that came through. I feel so supported, I could cry again just writing this! Thank you so much. Thank you thank you!"

-Caitlin Smith

"Each experience I’ve had during Reiki from Lindsay has been entirely unique. The common thread that does run through a session with her is a wave of peace that I feel the moment our session begins. Lindsay suggests before we start to create a sacred space if possible and I have found that I can sense an instant connection with unconditional love upon doing this. The messages that come through are supportive, her voice has a calming resonance, and her presence makes me feel seen. Thank you for sharing this beautiful love-filled offering with the world!"

-Jennifer Gauthier

“I opened myself to Reiki as a last resort to help heal my dental anxiety when I had a fairly big procedure looming. The healing experience I had in our very first session was profound and our time together continues to serve as the nervous system balm I’ve needed for so long. It’s one of those things where you don’t exactly know how it works, but it just does. And I’m so grateful to have Lindsay’s healing presence in my life along with this beautiful modality that continues to bring me closer to myself everyday. Overall I feel more courage to do and face the hard things that come up knowing I have this support in my life.”

-Dani Boltz

"The first 30 minutes of the hour I was laying down with my eyes closed. I felt energy surrounding me almost like a bodysuit, cushioned around me and it felt very relaxing and safe. Images and scenes were playing out visually. Not yet attributing any meaning to them (and prior to receiving your audio/written message). Afterwards, I read your summary first then listened to the audio and it really was a beautiful way of closing the Reiki experience. I loved how the summary gave you the core message and still felt so helpful on its own. The audio experience was like receiving Reiki again. Your voice along with the background music, was therapy in itself, so beautiful, soothing, and safe. The details in the audio message were really helpful to hear and after listening to what your experience and messages were, it truly completed the experience. All of the key points are all gems and will become tools for me to move through the next couple of weeks. What a treasure it is to be able to listen back and in doing so, activating the portal to re-enter the Reiki healing space. Thank you so so much for this lovely, restorative and powerful Reiki session."


Book an Appointment

Each appointment is 60 min, and includes a 25-30 min voice recording of the areas receiving support, and or messages from your cosmic team/guides.

If choosing a 4 session package, each appointment will be scheduled via email correspondence after first initial appointment. Four, one hour sessions spread out over 1 or 2 months for the intention of deep integration and nervous system strength. The number four carries the vibration of a strong foundation, grounded stability, and evokes calm. Each next session deepening over time as trust is built within the nervous system. A 10-20 min voice recording is sent via email, sharing about what came forward and any messages from your team of guides.